

时间 : 2014-07-22 16:01  作者 : 有琳 点击 :
        本所高级顾问方旭辉(Michael Fang)参加了华盛顿大学举办的“实战”模拟法庭活动 
        本所高级顾问、南昌大学法学院教授方旭辉(Michael Fang)于2014年1月29日参加了华盛顿大学(华大)法学院举办的特别模拟法庭活动。 这次模拟法庭与普通的模拟法庭具有显著的不同:法官不是由法学院学生扮演,而是由教授扮演;审理的案件不是虚拟、判过的,而是真实的、正在受理的案件; 参加模拟法庭活动者不仅有学生,还有执业律师,参加模拟法庭培训的律师可以获得美国“强制性继续法律教育”(MCLE)的学分。 模拟法庭审理的案子是约一个月后美国最高法院要审理的一件专利案--奥克腾健身有限责任公司诉爱康健康和健身公司(Octane Fitness LLC v. Icon Health & Fitness Inc.)。通过这种特别的模拟法庭活动,法学院教授把法学研究及时、有效地付诸实践。

        这种特别模拟法庭程序如下:开庭前,与会者必须出示身份证件并签署保密协议, 保证不泄露法庭辩论内容。模拟法庭程序开始时,华大法学院知识产权法教授凯文·柯林斯(Kevin Collins),向参与者简单地介绍了模拟法庭要审理的案例的关键问题-- “专利投机人”(Patent Troll),专利投机人拥有专利不是为了实施专利,而是寻找讹诈机会,向某些公司以侵权为由进行诉讼威胁,这是因为被告即使能赢得诉讼,但也要付出自己的巨额诉讼费用。 然后,准备在美国最高法院出庭辩论的申诉人律师鲁迪·特勒斯切尔(Rudy Telscher)介绍了他已经受理的上述案件,这也是美国最高法院即将审理的一个具有里程碑意义的知识产权案件。鲁迪律师是全球著名的知识产权法律事务所--哈尼斯·迪克律师事务所(Harness Dickey)的资深律师。此后,七位法学院教授扮演大法官,向鲁迪律师不停地提问;鲁迪律师对此进行答辩。接着,柯林斯教授对鲁迪的辩论指作出了简短的反驳。最后,学生等其他参与者提出问题,鲁迪律师和扮演大法官教授予以回答。方旭辉提出,专利投机人问题也是中国正在关注的问题,中国智能手机厂商尤其担心专利投机人玩弄专利战伎俩。鲁迪律师回答说,专利投机人是美国诉讼的“瘟疫”,他在上述案子中会有力地对抗专利投机人滥用诉讼战伎俩,有利于防止专利投机人“瘟疫” 在中国的蔓延。
        在这种特别的模拟法庭中,法学教授不仅把法学研究及时地运用于法律实务,而且把最新研究有效地付诸法律教学。 华大柯林斯教授指出,学生在案例教材中一般只会从字面上阅读上诉和最高法院的案件却不理解涉及案例的具体细节和过程,尤其是难以预料的情况。 这种特别的模拟法庭活动使学生看到了最高法院判案的“后台”,了解把案件提交到最高法院的来龙去脉,感受到了活生生的案例,这是培养优秀律师的好方法。会后,方旭辉与鲁迪律师、柯林斯教授和扮演大法官的校外实习(externship)项目主任--玛丽·佩里(Mary Perry)教授等进行了交谈, 他们对南昌大学法学院新设立的知识产权法专业及模拟法庭和诊所式教育很感兴趣,并愿意予以支持。最后,鲁迪律师还与方旭辉合影留念, 美国«密苏里州律师周刊»也刊登了鲁迪律师与方旭辉的合影,并作了介绍。 哈尼斯·迪克律师事务所把该报道翻译成英文并赞扬了该报道在没有透露模拟法庭辩论内容的前提下,简明扼要地介绍了模拟法庭的程序。

I have attached our translation of your article about the WashU moot court for our upcoming Supreme Court case. The article is a very nice summary of the WashU moot court and the patent troll problem that Rudy and the rest of our team are trying to fight in the US. Rudy is currently in Washington DC preparing for oral arguments before the Supreme Court next Wednesday, February 26, but I will send him a copy of the translation, and I am sure that he will enjoy reading it when his oral argument is done. 
I have also attached an article written by Missouri Lawyers Weekly that contains a lot of information about the WashU moot court and our Supreme Court case. There is a photo of you with Rudy and his daughter in the article too. 
Daisy Manning
Daisy Manning | Attorney at Law
O | 314.446.7666 F | 314.726.7501 
Patent, Trademark & Copyright Law
   附件二:哈尼斯·迪克律师事务所翻译了方旭辉的中文报道 (中文原文标题和称谓有所修改):
Our law school faculty, Xuhui(Michael) Fang attended a special moot court program hosted by Washington University on January 24, 2014.  The crucial differences of this special moot court program comparing to a normal one is as following: Law school professors, instead of students acted as Judges; the case is a real case rather than a mock trial case or a already trialed case but to help preparing for an upcoming real case; the attendees of the moot court program include not only students, but also practicing attorneys.  The attending practicing attorneys can also earn MCLE credits. This case is for the U.S. Supreme Court oral argument of Octane Fitness LLC v. Icon Health & Fitness Inc.  By having this special moot court program, law professors can apply legal research to the actual practice.
This special moot court program follows the following procedures: Before the trial, all the attendees were required to show identifications and sign a confidentiality agreement for not disclosing the arguments.  At the beginning of the moot court program, Kevin Collins, an intellectual property professor at Washington University school of law, presented an introduction of the key issue – “Patent Troll” – a patent owner who own the patent not for manufacture or use the patented invention, but rather seeking to sue companies infringing the patents.  After Kevin’s introduction, Rudy Telscher, the leading counsel on behalf of Octane Fitness introduced the background of the case to be heard in Supreme Court.  This case will be a milestone intellectual property case to be heard in the U.S. Supreme Court.  Rudy is a senior counsel in Harness Dickey, a world renowned intellectual law firm.  After Rudy presented the facts and arguments, the seven judges took turns questioning Counsel Rudy and Rudy answered those questions.  Then Professor Collins made a brief rebuttal to Counsel Rudy’s arguments.  Lastly, the attendees including the students asked questions which Rudy and acting judges answered.   Mr. Xuhui Fang stated that “patent trolls” are also a big concern in China.  In particular, the Chinese smartphone manufacturers are very worried about patent trolls’ threatening of lawsuits.  Counsel Rudy replied that “Patent Troll” is a plague in US litigation.  He also said he would try his best to fight against “Patent Troll” abuse and it should in turn help preventing the “Patent Troll” plague from spreading to China.
In this special moot court program, law professors not only applied legal research into real legal practice, but also into law education.  Professor Collins pointed out that students usually read those Supreme Court and court of appeal case decisions literally from the textbooks, and they could not understand the details and the processes of the cases, especially for unpredictable situations, thus such special moot court programs would allow the students understand better the foundation of the Supreme court case decisions and the legal procedures. Experiencing the real cases, is a great way of training outstanding attorneys.  After the moot court program, Mr. Xuhui Fang discussed with Counsel Rudy, Professor Collins and Professor Mary Perry, the acting chief justice externship project manager.  They were all very interested in the newly established intellectual property moot court and clinics education at Nanchang University School of Law and expressed their willingness to support.  Counsel Rudy also had a picture taken with Mr. Xuhui Fang.



曲海斌律师 曲海斌律师


舒梅律师 舒梅律师



李元發先生 李元發先生

李元發 先生 1959年4月1日臺灣苗粟三義出…

方旭辉教授 方旭辉教授


